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Flex Seal Flex Tape Strong Rubberized Waterproof Tape, 4 inches x 5 feet, Gray
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Flex Seal Flex Tape Strong Rubberized Waterproof Tape, 4 inches x 5 feet, Gray

Product ID: 460456296
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Flex Tape is the original super strong, waterproof tape that can patch, bond, seal and repair virtually anything It is specially formulated with a thick, flexible, rubberized backing that conforms to any shape or object. Unlike other tapes available, Tape’s bond will increase with time and pressure. Perfect for a variety of surfaces with many uses around the car, boat, RV or home. Tape has a triple-thick allowing it to virtually weld itself to the surface, instantly stopping the toughest leaks. It is thick, flexible, and rubberized. It will conform to any shape or object. Seals our water, air, and moisture. Common Applications Recommended surfaces: Metal, Steel, Copper, Aluminum!  Wood, Ceramic, Procelain, Tile, Glass, Rubber!  Fiberglass, Stucco, Plaster, Stone, Cement, Concrete!  Dry Wall, EPDM Roofs, Some plastics, Fabrics, Vinyl and so much more!

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

1 week ago

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